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Year 7

In Year 7, students are introduced to the concept of a career, and will explore their own career priorities and preferences. Year 7 students will set up their Unifrog account and will be supported to use the platform effectively. For example, students will be supported to use the Unifrog Careers Library to identify careers of interest, and will record their own extra-curricular activities on their Unifrog profile and reflect on how these activities help them to gain employable skills. Students will understand what makes a successful career, and will reflect on their priorities and preferences for their own career. The career learning that takes place in Year 7 is designed to equip students with the skills and vocabulary they need to explore and reflect on different career paths in Years 8 and 9.

Students joining the school in Year 7 will set up their Unifrog account in their first few weeks at NBS.

We have also set up a parent login so that parents/carers can explore Unifrog as if you were a student yourself, allowing you to understand how Unifrog supports your child’s career learning, and helping you to support your child in their use of the platform. The sign up code you need is: NBSparents and you can sign up here: To create an account, enter the sign up code NBSparents and then create an account with your own details.

Year 8

In Year 8, students will begin to explore a range of different career sectors, including careers in technology, engineering, architecture and the civil service. Students will learn about different types of workplace, the qualifications and training needed for these careers, and will compare the different skills required to excel in different careers. This is supplemented by guest speakers from selected employers which will give students a direct insight into these sectors. Year 8 students will learn how to use sources of information about different careers, including up-to-date Labour Market Information (LMI) such as the number of people employed in a sector, salary statistics, and average working hours. Curriculum learning is linked to careers throughout; career learning will highlight how the subjects that students study in school link to a range of successful careers.

Year 9

In Year 9, students will continue to explore a range of careers, including banking and finance, healthcare, and law, supplemented by selected guest speakers. Students will understand the different types of qualifications and training needed for different careers, and the skills required to excel in these careers. Students will make use of up-to-date Labour Market Information (LMI) to help them make career decisions. Students will learn how different subjects link to different careers, helping them to make informed choices about GCSE options that will lead to their desired career. Having compared a range of careers and identified those that interest them the most, Year 9 students will be ready for career learning in Year 10 and Year 11 in which they will learn in more detail about the workplace and recruitment, and post-16, post-18 and post-university routes into these sectors.


All students have access to Unifrog, an online careers platform which allows students to explore hundreds of job profiles, identify different training routes into their chosen career, identify and shortlist universities, and access resources about the world of work and university life. Using Unifrog, students can explore post-16 and post-18 education, career options and learn further about the GCSE and A Level subject options that are appropriate for their individual career paths via a personalised VLE. Using Unifrog is embedded into career learning at all stages in the school.


All students have access to a fortnightly careers newsletter produced by the University & Careers Lead in school, which promotes a range of external opportunities related to universities and careers including taster lectures, open days, university access programmes, employer talks, work experience and competitions. This newsletter will be posted on your child’s year group Team on Microsoft Teams. We encourage parents/carers to look at the newsletter with their child, to understand the range of opportunities available and support students in selecting and participating in relevant activities.


Further information about the careers programme at NBS, and a range of careers resources for parents/careers and students are available on the school website. 

We aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage all pupils to consider a wide range of careers. Through careers education and guidance, we aim to ensure all pupils make the most of their talents and are prepared for the next stages of their education, employment, self-employment or training. Central to this aim and Wembley High’s core values is the focus on academic achievement; we firmly believe that all pupils will be able to access a wider range of careers options with a strong academic grounding, particularly in the core Ebacc subjects, and as a result go on to further and higher education.

Our aims, therefore, are:

  1. Ensure outcomes for all pupils are exceptionally high.
  2. Inspire and motivate pupils to develop their aspirations.
  3. Provide students with well-rounded experiences.
  4. Support pupils in making informed choices which are suitable and ambitious.
  5. Develop the skills and outlook pupils will need to achieve career wellbeing, including adaptability and resilience.
  6. Prepare students for the transition to life beyond secondary school (higher education and the world of work).

Our careers programme aims to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage all pupils to consider a wide range of careers, including technical qualifications and apprenticeships.

Through a carefully sequences programme of careers education and guidance, we aim to ensure all pupils make the most of their talents and to go on to further and higher education and that pupils are prepared for the next stages of their education, employment, self-employment or training. We provide all pupils with high quality, independent and impartial careers guidance that helps pupils to make informed choices about which courses suit their academic needs and aspirations.

Alongside this and central to Wembley High’s core values is our focus on academic achievement; we firmly believe that all pupils will be able to access a wider range of careers options with a strong academic grounding, particularly in the core Ebacc subjects. 

Combining the above, we believe this allows all pupils to understand how their education equips them with the necessary behaviours, skills and attitudes for success in their next stage of education, training or employment and for their adult life.

In particular we intend our pupils to:

  1. Develop a broad understanding of the world of work and an ability to respond to changing opportunities.
  2. Develop independent research skills so that they can make good use of information and guidance.
  3. Develop and use their self-knowledge when thinking about and making choices.
  4. Develop the skills they need to review achievements, plan future actions, make decisions, present themselves well and cope with change and transition.

Please see the sections below for resources that may be of use to you and your child in helping them to explore their future options and come to the best decision for them.

University subject guides

Our university subject guides are for students right the way through KS4 and KS5. KS4 students can use them to see what A-levels they need to take to do their chosen subject at university, and the kind of grades that they need to aim for. Older students can use the subject guides to help explore alternative subjects, find super-curricular materials that will boost their personal statement, and learn about any interviews and admissions tests that are required by certain universities.

Accounting and Finance Economics Medicine
Aerospace Engineering English MFL
Architecture Geography Philosophy
Biochem-Biomed Science History Physics
Biology Law Politics
Chemical Engineering Management Psychology
Chemistry Mathematics Sociology
Computer Sciences Mechanical Engineering Theology
Dentistry Medicine Alternatives  


Our apprenticeships guide lays out the key different types of apprenticeships and what is required to do them. It also allows students to explore leading apprenticeship providers by sector.

Please click here for our apprenticeship guide.


Key Career Resources

There are a range of external organisations providing fantastic information for students. Here is just a selection of links that you might find useful in determining your future options:

Unifrog – an online platform that all our students have access to, allowing them to search for universities and apprenticeships, find information on a range of careers, track their skills and achievements, and figure out which path is most suitable for them.

RateMyApprenticeship – this is a good source of information on apprenticeships. It provides ratings and reviews from students who have undertaken a range of apprenticeships. There are also numerous guides to industries and employers, and help and advice for applications.

UCAS – students apply for university through UCAS. The UCAS website is an essential resource for information on the university application process, personal statement help, student finance, and course information. There is also a section on apprenticeships.

Complete University Guide – search for courses, explore different subject areas, compare universities, and view league tables with this comprehensive guide to higher education. – the government’s apprenticeships website provides resources explaining the benefits of apprenticeships, different types and levels of apprenticeships, industry guides and application support.

TARGETcareers – explore your career options with this resource. There are guides to a range of sectors and industries, employer profiles, application help, advice for A Level choices, and guidance on developing your employability skills.

National Careers Service – this government website offers information and guidance to help you think through your options for studying, training and work. You can explore over 800 job profiles, take the skills assessment to find potential careers that suit your personality and skills, and access guidance for thinking about your post-16 and post-18 options.

Careers – Supporting your child

Other useful websites:

Careermag for Parents There are articles about options for school leavers and key dates to put on your calendar. This issue is sponsored by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding organisation offering academic, vocational and work-based learning qualifications.

Careerpilot The Parent zone in Career Pilot can provide information to help parents and carers support young people in making the right decision about study and work.

Success at School (Parent Career Magazine) is a national careers website for students aged 11-19, as well as their teachers, careers advisors, parents and other influencers.  Young people can learn about their future career options through no-nonsense careers advice related to their own experiences. As well as covering topics such as career paths, industries, apprenticeships, university and employability skills, we connect schools and students to employers and universities through opportunities on our site and our interactive forums. Millions of young people and their influencers have visited our site for advice and information to help them plan for the future. Click here for latest copy of the parent magazine.

Further Information

For further details about on our careers provision and its impact, please click here for our Careers Policy.

You can also find our Provider Access Statement (often referred to as the "Baker Clause") by clicking here. This sets out the opportunities available for technical and vocational providers to speak to our pupils about the many opportunities available. 

Our Careers Leader is Ms E. Woods. If you would like further information about our careers programme, you can contact them at by calling 020 8373 6419.